Thursday, May 10, 2018

deadly easter bunny

“ When is easter, dad?” asked Joel. “2 more days” replied dad happily. Dad was tucking Joel into bed. Joel
was so excited even if was 2 days away.  The next day book drive was completely silent. A mouse would
have been heard EASILY( Ok, not easily but you know what I mean( right?)).
Dad had gone and was buying Easter eggs. Joel was old now he could stay at home.
He decided to have a look around for any clues for the Easter bunny. Joel went to the back garden. 1 thing

stood out. Could it be?... no no no. “ what the?...  BLOOD!!!!!” screamed Joel. He ran back to the house,

shaking like a praying mantis. He took another look… the blood was not alone. There were two bunnies. A
bunny with HUGE fangs with a pore dead bunny in Chapter 2
the fangs. The easter bunny!!!.
I felt so sorry for him. I crept into the garden and attacked the bunny.
W. This stupid bunny had some damn fang’s.   
I was back inside shaking with fear. There was a deadly EASTER BUNNY!!! And had to stop it!!! I
wanted to call dad. I felt doomed. Imagine who was so excited and the easter bunny is dead. he waited
until dad was home. Joel had to tell dad. Even though he will not believe me. Finally, in what seemed like hours he came. I rushed to the door. It was a dad with a … cage?!?! “ what is that in your hand dad?”I
asked. “ your new pet bunny, Joel.” said dad happily. Oh no! Thought Joel, horrified.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

This is my bey blade stadium story!!!:

 We were near to the Beyblade part of The Warehouse. I was unhappy because yesterday mum had said that she will take me to buy my own Beyblade stadium, only if I did not annoy my sister ( which is hard for me ). That very next day in the morning I pranked my sister by eating a yoghurt sucky than blowing onto it to make it look like it was full. I worked but not as I expected it to work… I got tod off and could not buy the stadium. Now here I was looking at the Beyblade stadium sadly wishing that I could buy on. Then mm said “OK, buy one but only if you promise not to annoy your sister or I will take it from you.” at that exact moment I was thinking what did she say?!?! My brain was screaming excitedly. I chose the nearest one and grabbed it. When we came home I played with Beyblades for the whole day and the next and the next and the next and the next and so on Then here is a happy ending. 😆😆😆😆😆😆